Monday, February 11, 2008

happy three week anniversary cuba!

To celebrate the big 3-week adventure, mis amigas Caitlin, Lizzie, Kristin, Quanic, Teresa went with Kelly to see her family in House 18, San Cristobal (outside of Havana in Pinar del Rio).

dead pig count: 1 (not counting the one we ate)
piglet count: 6
dominos games: x infinity
naps on floor: 1

It was the most fun I've had yet. I learned a couple of things:
1. There is good food in Cuba.
2. Spanish sign language is different than English sign language, but Kelly Clarkson's "Since you been gone" is a good barter
3. Colombian accents are way easier to understand
4. Peanut Butter exists
5. If you are related to one person in a small town, you are related to everyone.

Oh man, we had at least x infinity places to stay because between Kelly and her cousin Ernesto, the town of San Cristobal belonged to them.

As soon as we arrived, their family brought out a monsoon of bread (and mayonnaise...but I opted for a simpler pan) and quickly suggested we go get a pig...So we did. And they proceeded to make pork rinds....Only in Cuba

It was great to hop out of Havana for a while. Although I am enjoying my living situation at la residencia, I realize I am living in a bubble: A giant bubble of running water, occasionally hot showers and no limitations as to where I can go.

I stayed with Kelly's mom's aunt in House 18 close to downtown (meaning a church and semi-convenient store...WITH PEANUT BUTTER). Before Mass Sunday morning, she got up at 7:00 a.m. to make us the most delicious breakfast in the entire world with REAL milk. My palate is ruined.

Mass was a good mecca to my Catholic roots because the Priests were Colombian and very nice. They actually speak slow and annunciate. (go figure)We ended our 3-week celebration riding off into the sunset on the back of a cattle car. We even sang disney songs...because, well, that's what you do in cattle cars. Just as a sidenote: I took boxing lessons! It was so great!

I hope this posts...this connection is weird!

girls in prior pic: kathy (my roomie), lizzie, ernesto, danielle


  1. Great post, great picture. Who would have thunk it...peanut butter and bar-b-que bringing nations together
    Cuban hospitality sounds a lot like the kelleher family. Infinitesimal in scope. I'm so happy to see you able to travel. I hope your UNC staff helps you get your papers soon to travel west. Santiago sounds fun.
    Hugs and kisses. Papa Joe

  2. 3 weeks wow. FOOTLOOSE is comming along. I also ate a pig... well in hotdog form.

    cassie did a HAMLET rap and got an A+.


