Saturday, February 23, 2008

lame Tuesday

Of all days to resign, Fidel chose Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2008.

I would like to argue this day is the lamest day in Cuban history.

It is clear why he did not chose one cares for Mondays. Wednesday was a viable option; it was 88 degrees and Catherine and I went to our third boxing lesson with Nardo. He worked us for three solid hours, and I'm not talking about three hours of Yoga. It was three hours of throwing punches (why yes, we have made it punches...still no boxing ring or equipment) and abs.

Ideally, I would've been in peak physical condition to read about his resignation in "el granma" a.k.a. Havana's newspaper a.k.a. Fidel's middle school diary.

Instead, Fidel Castro chose overcast/rainy Tuesday to announce to his people (who "voted" for him or Raul Jan. 20) that he would be stepping aside, granted, he hopes to have influence and still be active on Parliament's decisions.

Although I don't know much about politics, I do know something about manners.

I know it is rude to tell a nation that have the right to vote for their leader, even if the candidates share a last name, and then step down and make it so they have no voice at all.

But that is just me.

Will write more later.

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