Yesterday two significant things occurred:
- I discovered the Cuban Emo crowd! [not real emos…but they like American rock songs like the Cranberries “Zombie” and Maroon Five’s “Makes me wonder.” SWEET VICTORY]
- Before discovering the Cuban Emo crowd, I GOT CARDED! Not for my carnet…oh no…for my AGE.
…and still do.
The ballet was better this week (than last week) because there was an orchestra that was real and the stage didn't look like it was going to collapse so much.
Gau-gau [pronounced GWAH-GWAH]- the bus. More specifically, the P11 gau-gau. It takes you (kind of) straight to the Capitolio. Chickens, snakes, guinea pigs and puppies tend to ride along. Yesterday I even saw a man carrying a saw and a big piece of wood.
*sidenote: the gua-gaus are imported buses from
The U.S.-Cuba conflict/Imperalism-I realize there is a real meaning for this, but I felt like I should put my History of Cuba professor’s take on it instead:
“I dump trash in your backyard. You cut down the trees and poison my dog.” -Profe.
Carnet [pronounced car-nay]- Our Havana residence i.d. cards. Similar to the word for ‘meat’ carne. This has been my proof that yes sir coppelia man! I am Cuban and I am allowed to pay in your cheaper currency.
But we have to give them back tomorrow. So for the last three weeks I only have my wit (and
Emo- Short for “Emotional.”People who tend to listen to scream-o and cry all the time.
of my dreams. May I
never leave again.
Reacting here is
Over-rated. I’d rather
run errands for fruit.
Sweating in these old
Chevy’s is what I will miss,
but sell them gently.
I fight your livestock
on the gau-gau. Who knew snakes
could be travel size?
rage! Card me man--- I have a
carnet for a while.
Thank goodness you found emo before you left. So much to do, so little time to do it. I guess you'll have to plan a return trip.