Friday, April 11, 2008

Bay of Pigs

Bay of Pigs

This week’s list---
New road kill: crabs
Crabs our yellow bus hit on the road to Playa Girón: about 50
Worst smell in the world: dead crabs on road already tainted by dead goats and dead squirrels…

(If I thought calle G was bad, I would hate to be walking on the road to Bay of Pigs when it rains.)

Although it’s known mostly for the American invasion on April 17, 1961, Playa Girón (Bay of Pigs) will forever be (for me) the place with the jumping crocodiles. I did not see any leaping-action, but I did see a legitimate park with legitimate fences to protect tourists…and we all know if fences are involved…there has to be a serious threat.

No wonder invading was such a poor decision (among other factors…claro).

I went in thinking, “oh man…another museum with rocks that Che once saw in a river…” but it turned out to be expired ID cards, bloody pants and broken watches in a glass case below posted photographs of all the men who fought and died. Not to mention the shoes of civilians in the area. Shoes!

It certainly is more emotional to look at bloody pants than to read about an American embarrassment. I’m not sure how it was in the 60’s in the States, but in Cuba the news reels only spoke of a “triumph” over “evil imperialistic powers.”

They even rebuilt a plane they shot down to commemorate the occasion. Can you imagine if the United States rebuilt every plane it ever obliterated?


We spent the rest of the day at the beach. Morgan’s friend Christopher is here doing medical research but was able to come with us. It’s been really fun showing someone the ropes around Havana. It makes me feel Cuban…and it makes me realize my daily ice cream consumption is a bit out of control. Oh well…

It’s hot outside. Ice cream is logical.

I’m going to attempt to upload some photos. I’m also attempting to upload some art pieces I like. I’m not sure of the names but I’ll post those later. I think they speak more about history than any textbook…as art rightly should do.

Tonight I leave for a 20 hour train ride across the island to Santiago de Cuba, the first Cuban capital before Havana. I will be there until April 19.

Time’s a soarin’…

Soon I’ll be back to flushing toilets.


todo mi amor,
la reina de crazy puma,
sara la fresa

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to hearing about your trip. I hope it was not to hot for you. We have had a fire in the fireplace several nights this week. It is cold! Even with that the garden is lush.
