Top three things about Cuban Baseball games:
- You can’t buy an Industriales (The Havana National team) T-Shirt or hat while the game is going on (because duh, the woman who owns the store wants to watch the game too).
- To show support, Cubans remove their car horns out of their cars and honk them (much like we ring cowbells).
- When the Industriales hit one out of the park and score a home run, the stadium goes nuts. Men embrace, women cry…and everyone wants to grab a baby.
That means eight hours of my life in the past two days was with Nardo, mi profe, who asked for everything I had…and then asked me to run stairs.
He then said we had a lot of potential. If Nardo says Catherine and I have the potential to kick ass for real, then my life is almost complete (it will be complete when he says we actually do kick ass...but I still have 2 more months).
1. Nardo and his French friends
2. Lizzie, Emily and Kelly after they played basketball in los juegos del caribe
3. Flowers my roomie bought to brighten our room
todo mi amor,
la reina de rositos de maiz (popcorn),
Sara la fresa
A kick-ass strawberry. That's one for the imagination. Have someone take a picture of you and China sparring. That would be great. Viva Cuban baseball!