Friday, May 23, 2008
A week at home
But there I was and here I am. I am no longer sarainhavana, more so reflectivesaraingreensboro.
English is no longer my secret language, I am no longer "YUMA!" or "pretty lady" and I get questions of "How are you?" instead of "where joo from?"
I fear no sandwiches/electrical wires/rocks falling on me as I walk down the street. My dead goat/pig counts are zero. No sacrificed chickens have graced me with their presence.
Although I can't say I miss men cat-calling me down the street, I do miss some sort of interaction. I walk down the street and stare at people in the eye as they pass me just to see if they'll look...
they usually don't.
I've turned on the television to 1) fall asleep 2) watch the Flavor of Love Three finale and 3) laugh at The Office episodes with my parents. I am not so sure why so many channels are so overwhelming. I take that many English channels...aye, mami....
My last week in Havana went by too fast. I'm not even sure it happened.
We had a good-bye cocktail with our teachers and got T-shirts from the Univ. of Havana (but on the back they say they're from Mexico...of course). Needless to say, I fear washing that shirt. It will probably rip apart.
or something. like most things in Cuba.
The last day Kristin, Caitlin and I went on a double-decker bus tour of Havana (one of Raul's new contributions) and we were possibly the worst riders that bus had ever seen. When the woman would say, "And on the left is the Calixto Garcia Memorial," it was hard not to yell "why yes, hello Calixto! Too bad you can't hide that bullet hole marked in your forehead from when you TRIED TO KILL YOURSELF." Or...
Calle 23? Yes, a very important and busy Street in Vedado. Also full of crap. Watch out when it rains.
The Revolutionary Square complete with Che know HE'S NOT FROM CUBA. He was born in Argentina. And he's dead.
It was also hard not to get a lil misty-eyed on the bus. Every time I looked at the malecon I couldn't help but think there just had to be one like that in North Carolina...
but there's not.
I got off at the Hotel Presidente to get supplies for our good-bye dinner at the residence that last day. I made trail mix with magical shape cereal, raisins and dibus (chocolate teddy bears). Lizzie made Mac & Cheese...yummy!
We spent the evening drinking Cuba Libres, dancing Irish Step dance (courtesy of the Irish Step dance queen herself, Cayleen Ross) and sitting at the malecon.
All things Cuba. (even the Irish step dancing...can't think of anything more Cuban actually...)
Will continue to write. have lots of time to ponder.
If you are in a good mood and want to ruin it...check dis out:
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
May 14th, can it be so?
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
cooking with Yare
sweet havana gust
So last night Rodney brought two magazines with articles written by students who came on the program last year. One of them wrote about meeting a barber on the street and how he called his wife fat and ugly (que surpresa!) and the other one was about an evening with Ernesto on his motorcycle.
lessons i learned from camping

1. Hershey train car switch in Hershey, Cuba. Founded 1912 for the Hershey factory
Lessons I learned from camping this weekend:
1. "Sleeping like a rock" means you sleep really well.
sleeping ON a rock means you wake up with pain.
2. Cooking pasta in saltwater will make you really thirsty. Make sure you have lots of (drinkable) water on hand.
3. Just because it's hot during the day, doesn't mean you shouldn't pack your long johns.
The days are dwindling but I'm happy I got to FINALLY go camping. I wouldn't think it was a great experience unless I got to nap/sleep two nights on rocks.
I would say napping on the rock was much easier than napping on the Hershey Train...which is my new favorite means of transportation.
As opposed to the P11 gau-gau, the Hershey train is old, rickety & AWESOME. The scenery was BEAUTIFUL...and we were able to enjoy it to its fullest because we had to switch carts twice and wait 5 hours for a new cart.
oh, cuba.
you can imagine my shock when the train was actually punctual on Sunday and we actually got home in less than three hours.
oh man.
dear time,
please slow down.
K? get back to me on that.
1. Krisitin and I from Dillon's birthday. I tried to kiss her on the cheek and my hair got stuck in her armpit.
2. Quanic. is. pretty.
3. circus tent and mini tent
4. pretty
5. Quanic is still pretty.
6. holding onto lizzie because the train is rickety!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Havana, may I never leave you

Yesterday two significant things occurred:
- I discovered the Cuban Emo crowd! [not real emos…but they like American rock songs like the Cranberries “Zombie” and Maroon Five’s “Makes me wonder.” SWEET VICTORY]
- Before discovering the Cuban Emo crowd, I GOT CARDED! Not for my carnet…oh no…for my AGE.
…and still do.
The ballet was better this week (than last week) because there was an orchestra that was real and the stage didn't look like it was going to collapse so much.
Gau-gau [pronounced GWAH-GWAH]- the bus. More specifically, the P11 gau-gau. It takes you (kind of) straight to the Capitolio. Chickens, snakes, guinea pigs and puppies tend to ride along. Yesterday I even saw a man carrying a saw and a big piece of wood.
*sidenote: the gua-gaus are imported buses from
The U.S.-Cuba conflict/Imperalism-I realize there is a real meaning for this, but I felt like I should put my History of Cuba professor’s take on it instead:
“I dump trash in your backyard. You cut down the trees and poison my dog.” -Profe.
Carnet [pronounced car-nay]- Our Havana residence i.d. cards. Similar to the word for ‘meat’ carne. This has been my proof that yes sir coppelia man! I am Cuban and I am allowed to pay in your cheaper currency.
But we have to give them back tomorrow. So for the last three weeks I only have my wit (and
Emo- Short for “Emotional.”People who tend to listen to scream-o and cry all the time.
of my dreams. May I
never leave again.
Reacting here is
Over-rated. I’d rather
run errands for fruit.
Sweating in these old
Chevy’s is what I will miss,
but sell them gently.
I fight your livestock
on the gau-gau. Who knew snakes
could be travel size?
rage! Card me man--- I have a
carnet for a while.